Dear fellow cat owner,
You may be surprised to learn that you can indeed train your cat to use the human toilet – just like “Mr. Jinx” from the “Meet the Parents” and “Meet the Fockers” movies!
You remember Mr. Jinx, he was the big, fat, silky-looking Himalayan with scheming green eyes who in these two very popular movies not only knew how to use the toilet on cue, but could also flush the toilet.
In fact, one of the major plot lines of the “Meet the Parents” movie, which starred Ben Stiller and Robert DeNiro, concerned an ongoing argument about whether or not Mr. Jinx flushed a toilet that overflowed.
Well, imagine if your cat was able to use the toilet just like Mr. Jinx. Think of how convenient that would be for you. Thank of all the money you would save.
You’d never have to buy or scoop litter ever again!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Discover How to Quickly & Easily Train Your Cat to Use the Human Toilet...
Let Me Help You To Solve Your Litter Box, House-SoilingAnd Feline Aggression Problems Now!

> This e-book covers questions cat owners ask vets every day about cat behavior
> Find out the FOUR major causes of abnormal cat behavior
> The reasons why your cat's personality can't be changed
> What determines a cat's personality
> How to keep your cat from jumping on the dinner table
> How to diagnose your litter box problems now and implement these
new strategies right away!
> How to classify feline aggression problems
> How important early kitten and human interactions are in the future happiness of both!
> How age can affect use of the litter box
> The importance of differentiating between marking (spraying)
and inappropriate elimination
> Convenient flow chart to help you determine the cause of elimination outside the litter box.
> The most common reasons cat's refuse to use the litter box
Ragdoll Cat Secrets
While Reading "Ragdoll Cat Secrets"
You'll Discover:
Ragdoll Cats - Breed Origins & Bizarre History
4 Things to Remember When Shopping for a Kitten
Which is Better for You: A Male or Female Cat, Adult or Kitten?
9 Questions You Must Ask Before Buying From a Breeder
What You Must Have Before Bringing Your New Kitten Home
How to Easily Train Your Ragdoll Cats (Without Being Harsh or Unkind)
How to Teach Your Ragdoll Cats to Perform Tricks Like "Shake a Paw"
8 Ways to "Cat-Proof" Your Home The Right Way
An Extensive Health Checklist to Make Sure Your Ragdoll Cats Are Healthy
The Best Food That Your Ragdoll Cats Will Love to Eat
How to Stop Messy Hair balls
How to Solve Problems With the Litter Box
I've Also Included in "Ragdoll Cat Secrets"
Things the Pet Shops Never Tell You, Such As...
Two Places That You Should Never Buy a Cat
How to Prepare a Safe Room for Your New Kitten
The Best Toys That Your Ragdoll Cats Will LOVE
The Stages of Cat Development
How to Read Cat Food Labels (This is Very Important)
A Simple Way to Get Your Cat to Take Medicine
Common Cat Health Problems
An Easy Guide to Bathing And Grooming
What to Do if Your Cat is Lost or Runs Away
"So You Want Your Ragdoll Cats To Be Happy, Healthy, & Well Behaved?"
Get Rid of Your Cat Urine Odor Problem Once and For All
I know you've spent untolds amount of money on:
- Chairs and couches
- Rugs and carpets
- Books and bookcases
- Shoes and briefcases
Replacing these items HURTS. Worst of all, we were running out of solutions. And the money we spent - I stopped counting at $2793.00.
It was exhausting to clean cat urine every day. I started thinking about sending Scout back to the feline rescue organization. It never crossed my mind to put her to sleep, make her an outdoor cat, or banish her to the basement. But I just stayed so damn mad all the time. More on her in a moment.
What I didn't know then is that -
Cat Urine Odor Is A Huge Problem, But It's Very, Very Curable
I wish cats didn't stop using the litter box to tell us something's wrong. This is totally unnecessary, having to deal with a cat urine odor problem. It's not your fault, the cat's fault, or any fault at all.
I don't want anyone (human or cat) to go through this one minute longer than necessary. I want you and your kitty to be happy again. It's not hopeless. You don't have to give up kitty. You don't have to put up with the smell and ruined possessions.
Because of Scout, I asked, begged, and interviewed other cat owners about their secrets to solving cat urine odor issues. I thought that you'd like this information as well. And since I love to write, this was perfect - use my writing skills to help you solve your problem.
Since we don't speak meow, and cats can't talk, I put this book together for frustrated cat owners just like you.
This is the most in-depth book you'll ever read about solving cat urine odor and litter box problems. Period. So I put it all together, and call it...
"18 Ways to Stop Cat Urine Odor Problems"
Yep, you read it right. There's 18 ways to solve your cat urine odor problem. Here's just a few of the 18 in-depth solutions to make getting this book worth your while.
Tips like:
- Discover Cat Litter Box Issues- and Easily Solve Them (p.11)
- Four Secrets to Get Your Cat Back to Good Litter Box Habits (p.14)
- The One Product You Should NEVER Use to Clean Cat Urine Odor (p.50)
- A Simple 30-Second Test That Can Stop A Cat Urine Problem - Do It In Your Home (p.44)
Veterinary Secrets Revealed "PRIORITY"
Techniques And Inexpensive, Natural Ingredients
With Veterinary Secrets Revealed, you will be delighted by how much you will learn and how much you can help your pet.
- How to Stop Worms that keep coming back. This food product works great for pets with recurring tapeworm infections (page 192).
- What do you do if your Pet has Itchy, red and irritated Skin. Use a common over the counter medication (page 129).
- How to Treat your pet's Fever. IS your pet burning up? These are MUST have remedies to treat a Fever in dogs and cats (page 104).
- A safe natural option for Treating Ringworm in Dogs and Cats. PLUS, what causes it and how you can prevent it from reoccurring (page 175).
- What you can do to Stop Dandruff. Have flaky, dead skin all over your house? A surprising shampoo to eliminate dandruff in your pet (page 81).
- How to deal with Noise Phobias. If your dog shakes and hides during thunderstorms, then she has a noise phobia. A simple, safe home remedy found in your fridge can solve thunderstorm phobias (page 159).
- A natural solution to Treat Hairballs in Cats. This juice can break them down and stop the regurgitation (page 119).
- What to do if your Dog been diagnosed with Cushing's Disease. Use this to lower the hormone that causes this common ailment (page 134).
EBook: Complete Cat Training
Cat Obedience Training Secrets to
Your Cat’s Behavior Problems!
Why do you want a well-behaved cat? - Do you have a generally disobedient cat?
- Are you sick of excessive meowing, howling, whining, etc?
- Are you sick of dealing with cat aggression issues?
- Does your cat jump on places he shouldn't go? (counters, sofas, etc)
- Does your cat go into your trash? Or does he bite or scratch people?
- Do you want to know how to fix virtually any cat behavior problem?
- How would you like to impress others by training your cat to perform virtually ANY command you can think of?
- Or, perhaps you just want the best relationship that you can possibly have with your cat...
"Put an End to the Stress and Annoyance of
Your Cat Behavior Problems!
...AND Slash Your Cat Obedience Training Time in Half by Using
Techniques That Give You Immediate Results!!" - Get The right solution.NOW!
“Dharma The Cat – Philosophy With Fur”
Features clever, thought-provoking cartoons
that appeal to all ages, blending
philosophy and spirituality with humor.