Abyssinians: They are noted for their playfulness and are very spirited. It is said they were once worshipped by the ancient Egyptians and is thought to be one of the oldest known pure pedigreed cats. It's temperament is praised by its owners ~ that akin to a dog. It is a medium sized and graceful cat and very adaptable to people.
Balinese: Resembling the Himalayan, the Balinese has the slimmer, longer lines of a Siamese. Its coat, which is soft & silky, requires little grooming. It is affectionate, gentle and makes a great pet.
Bengal Leopard Cat: A domestic cat was bread to a wild Asian leopard cat and voila. Owners of the breed say it's friendly and loving & not wild in temperament and they like to play in water!
Birman: Not to be confused with a Burmese. The Birman cat originated in Burma and is a short-haired breed. Its body is large and low on the legs, but longer than that of a Persian or Himalayan. The long silky hair doesn't mat, but requires regular grooming. Its distinct coloring is that there are white 'gloves' on all flour paws. Intelligent and gentle with a tiny voice.
Burmese: A beautiful rich-brown cat (sometimes found in other colors). It is considered very talkative, but low-voiced. Solid, and extroverted and very affectionate.
Cornish Rex: A curly-coated breed ~ a result of a spontaneous genetic mutation. The mating between a tortie-and white farm cat and an unknown species in Cornwall, England. The kitten was mated back to its mother, resulting in two more curly coated ones. The breed was named after its county of origin and after a curly coated Astex rabbit. A Devon Rex is not the same type of breed. This breed is affectionate, playful and intelligent. It generally likes to be handled. Easy to groom and keep clean and very little shedding.
Devon Rex: Becoming a distinct breed in 1950 in Cornwall, England, when a wavy-coat kitten from a litter of farm cats was bred back to its mother and found to breed true. Devon Rex ears are large and seem oversized in relation to its pixie like head & shape. It is full of fun and active. A definitely people cat and even seems to wag its tail when happy. Another good feature ~ it doesn't shed.
Exotic Shorthair: Created in the mid-1960's and is a hybrid of Persian and domestic shorthair cats. The result is a Persian personality with a thick and very soft short coat. It is a stocky cat and medium to large in size. Not being overactive, he still likes to play. Needs regular brushing even though its coat won't mat.
Himalayan-Persian: Over 50 years ago a cat with a Persian coat and type with with the color pattern of the Siamese was created. In North American these cats were called Himalayans (Europe - Colourpoint Long-hairs). Its eyes should be deep blue in color. It is gentle and entertaining and is a popular pet.
Main Coon: A large cat weighting up to 18 pounds, with muscular legs.The breed is outgoing and easy to groom. The best known variety is the brown tabby with a pattern similar to a raccoon ~ hence the name.
Manx: Short-haired and short tail! The Manx has a double coat, thick and dense to touch. The hind legs are longer than the front. This should be something to watch for when obtaining one. The cat should walk normally. If it does not it can signal spinal or hip problems. The Manx is known as friendly, intelligent and faithful.
Persian: This cat has been around for a long time and are renowned for their placid, gentle temperaments and quiet voices. It has large, round eyes set wide apart and the small rounded ears are set low on its head. The tail is short and full, but in proportion t the body.
Ragdoll: Pick up this cat and it will go limp in your arms ~ and there is how it got it's name. It is calm, quiet and affectionate ~ and big. (Males can weigh 15-20 pounds). Ragdolls are born white and obtain their color at about 2 years of age. They have blue eyes and medium to long hair. They shed very little and don't mat. These cat are not easy ruffled and can be leash trained easily.
Scottish Fold Cat: Has a pure white coat, short thick tail, and ears folded down onto its head. It has a sad expression which is opposite to its loving, companionable nature; getting along well with people and other pets.
Siamese: Siamese cats are born white and only gradually obtain their 'points'. Siamese cats thrive on human company and can be energetic, and playful. They love to play hide and seek and love to 'talk' to humans.
Tonkinese: A hybrid of the Siamese and Burmese - first developed in Canada in the 1960's. This is a 'leggy' cat with a thin body and long tail, and large round-tipped ears. It outstanding feature is its brilliant, almond-shaped, aqua-colored eyes. Inquisitive, affectionate and outgoing ~ the perfect 'people cat'.
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Types of Cats
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Why Cats?
They Are Cute
The fur are so tender, gentle and comforting (with enough care) and in many colours too. Some in stripes, some in spotty and some in irregular shapes. Their eyes depend on the species. Local, typical cat have round eyes with blue or green eyes with a smiling shaped mouth. With so many varieties, there looked like fashion models walking on the streets.
They Are Playful
Cats are very energetic creature. They play with everything from furball, ropes, table tennis ball and things that can move. They also play with their own food such as lizard, rat or cockroaches. If they are not playing that means something wrong like they not feeling well or even stomach that too full. To encourage cats to take care of the pest around the house, a good,continous exercise must always be carried out. It also can help keep the cats healthy.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Domestic Cat, An Amazing Creature
House Cats are amazing creatures. They're wonderful, playful and a very good, lovable companions. Sometimes they do have unpleasant habit, but with the right training they'll be as charming as they can be. They do what they do but give a wonderful impact to those who can see.